Thursday 9 November 2017


On the way home - there were plenty of opportunities for what we call 'doing a Molly'. Molly was Nigel's beloved mother and she was famous for her unapologetic once overs to anyone that was of remote interest. We now apply this term to things like - becoming fixated with a woman in a restaurant that's got a new trout pout on, thinking you've got Harrison Ford sitting next to you and you can't stop looking to see if the fella in the fedora is really him or when anyone nearby is having a row and you have no hope of concentrating on your carbonara because you're so engrossed in catching every word they say. In short yes - it's being dead nosy. So when we walked home from the Sir Albert the other night - there were loads of houses with their curtains open, we were so interested in the interiors and what they were all doing in them, that we almost felt like getting a couple of wines to carry around while we had a good Molly in each one.

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