Monday 18 September 2017

Romaine calm.

Our dinner tonight ended in a mini snipe - you see it all started with the salad. We both ordered the same thing from the menu - a wonderfully described 'Mediterranean' salad, coming with roasted peppers, pine nuts, tomatoes, lentils and a few other assorted veggies. Fresh from night after night of pretty much anything 'battered' - we were desperate for something light and green. However when it arrived - this was anything but a salad - instead this was a solid circle of smooshed up beige goo with a few 'bits' thrown on top. Where was the cos? the spinach? the rocket? where was in fact, anything green in this damn salad? As we both took a tentative taste - we also realised that it was luke warm. Nigel made a manful job and finished his and I mauled mine about for a bit TBH it actually didn't taste too bad but it definitely wasn't what we had in mind when we ordered the Mediterranean salad. When the Cornish hen came to collect our plates, she asked us if everything was alright - we spoke in one voice but from opposing sides - Nigel saying everything was lovely and me describing why a ring of goo did not in fact constitute a salad.  There ensued a mini tiff about the point of complaining to people who couldn't do anything about it - which went on until our ice cream arrived and given that it looked exactly like it was described on the menu - all the waffle finally ended. 

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