Monday 18 September 2017

Pulling the plug.

We checked into the most amazing hotel today in the Cotswolds - it had an actual BATH in the bedroom - I will say it again - it had an actual BATH in the bedroom. But after I got back from my gallery sojourn - Nigella greeted me with his chin on the floor - there was NO HOT WATER. Let me say this again - there was NO HOT WATER. And moreover there wouldn't be any for the foreseeable future - we would be long gone, before hot water would darken this bath. So we had 2 choices - 1. live for 2 days and 2 night without HOT WATER or move to their sister hotel. Nigel was not keen on option 1 and believed that we could fill the 20 gallon bath from the kettle - so taken with the room was he - that creating a small fire under the bath wouldn't have been beyond him. But with the amount of conditioner I have to put on my barnet to get a comb through it - there was no way I could cope with no hot water for 2 days so reluctant though he was to agree to it. We gathered up our assorted bags and moved a short drive down the street to their other hotel. As we walked into the new room we were astonished to see - it had an actual BATH in the bedroom.

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