Monday 18 December 2017

Snow good

Let is be known that I hate the snow - it goes to my climacophobia condition you see. Because snow within seconds essentially means slush and ice AKA delicate underfoot, AKA slippery as fuck AKA I'm falling over any time now. Nigel who loves snow was beautifully equipped with the biggest shoes known to man, with a tread on them only rivalled by the British Matilda Tank. Me - not so much - my shoes are good for nothing in this weather. One or two pairs have no tread at all rendering them and me - useless. I have one pair of Nike Free's with a fairly decent sole but the actual shoe itself is made of a kind of open webbing weave thingy which even a whiff of condensation turns into slush buckets, let alone a full dumping of the white stuff. However it all turned out ok when I realised that one doesn't need any shoes at all to watch Nigel from the window as he picks his way delicately to the pizzeria. 

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