Sunday 17 December 2017


When we got onto the subway and sat next to this woman last week, we honestly thought she had made a taxidermy handbag out of her terrier. I was sitting right next to her and it was actually quite hard to ascertain what she was clutching. I kept feigning interest in things over my right shoulder to give myself a chance to have a squiz at what she'd got on the seat beside her. But all I could really see were two rather mangy, misshapen looking back legs and feet (and that was just her). I kept trying to engage Nigel in the activity but he was 2 seats away so had no chance to scope it out. Luckily she got off before us giving us a good look at what we now realised was a fully formed doggy bag - but thanks be to God - just a pretend one ie no formaldehyde involved. Mind you it has given us some good ideas and paws for thought re the Jack Russell and how useful he could eventually be.

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