Tuesday 19 December 2017

Shaken and stirred

The definition of happiness.... Sitting at Shake Shack, right by the Flat Iron, drinking a chocolate milk shake watching a squirrel consider what to do with his acorn. Well it would have been if I hadn't been stupid enough to eye up those finagling calorie counters that are now on every single menu item that you put in your gob. At first I thought the 740 was the prices of the shake and then seeing the vanilla was 640 - I realised that no - it was the naffing, bollocking calories. Even I, who can easily turn a blind eye to the whopping calories in my daily hot chocolate - as I count them not as calories but as bona fide medicine, could not justify this amount for a mere snack. So I moved - miserable as sin out of the queue onto 5th Avenue where I plunged into Eaterly instead and the purchase of a tiramisu which worked out very well for me as the Italians haven't yet got the hang of calorie counting. 

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