Monday 25 December 2017

Happy Birthday to me

Our not so standard Christmas eve birthday celebrations at The Standard. 


My birthday present from Nigela - A kitten!!
Now all we have to do is to introduce the Jack Russell to the idea. 


Early Christmas present for Nigela - his very own blow up Jack Russell - just what every man always wanted. 

Rice job

What do you want for pudding? Rice? Rice? or what about some rice?


We made right fools of ourselves at Bathtub Gin. Not realising the bar was secreted behind a coffee shop facade we bumbled in and out looking for the great speakeasy we'd been promised by Google. Eventually they took pity on us and opened the door to a bath and a Beefeater.


All moving and everything.

Watt's going on

And then there was light. 

Oh kay

To give them their dues - they did have a few good pieces of eye candy.
(Strictly no photography of the artworks though).

Oh Dia

We spent an hours train ride to get to the Dia Gallery in Beacon in Westchester County only to find they'd put the canvases up before the artists had actually used them. Seriously this is what gives art a bad name as the above is actually the show. By the time we'd finished I passed out on one of the installations and could only be revived by a margarita, a bowl of corn chips and a burrito bowl.

A close shave

The Santa beard finally gets the chop. 


Dinner for 12. Eaten by 2. 

Tuesday 19 December 2017

Shaken and stirred

The definition of happiness.... Sitting at Shake Shack, right by the Flat Iron, drinking a chocolate milk shake watching a squirrel consider what to do with his acorn. Well it would have been if I hadn't been stupid enough to eye up those finagling calorie counters that are now on every single menu item that you put in your gob. At first I thought the 740 was the prices of the shake and then seeing the vanilla was 640 - I realised that no - it was the naffing, bollocking calories. Even I, who can easily turn a blind eye to the whopping calories in my daily hot chocolate - as I count them not as calories but as bona fide medicine, could not justify this amount for a mere snack. So I moved - miserable as sin out of the queue onto 5th Avenue where I plunged into Eaterly instead and the purchase of a tiramisu which worked out very well for me as the Italians haven't yet got the hang of calorie counting. 

Monday 18 December 2017

005 and a half

Nigel going undercover at the Whitney in case Jessica saw him reaching for that last knot cushion. 

Jerry built

Spotted through the shelves at the Whitney Museum Shop - Jessica Seinfeld.
She was with 2 of her mates both in floor length mink coats and they were literally buying up the shop between them. So now we know - Jerry is getting a packet of Simpsons coasters, a bird whistle and a cushion in the shape of a knot to ease the tension after all that laughing. 

In vogue

Top 2 winter must haves.


A bracing walk and a healthy lunch on the Island that isn't really an island. 


When hell freezes over. Looking at Niagara from the other side.